Tax Collector
Jamie Wortley
The Tully Tax Collector’s Office will accept payments the last week of December. Tully property owners can visit Tax Lookup to find their tax bill online. Residents can expect their tax bill in the mail no later than January 3rd. If you do not receive your tax bill by January 3rd, contact the tax collector’s office at (315) 696-4693, ext. 11 or visit Residents are responsible for insuring that their taxes are paid on time.
Payments may be submitted in person during scheduled office hours or sent by mail to:
Tax Collector
PO Box 736
5833 Meetinghouse Rd.
Tully, NY 13159
If payment is postmarked December 31st or before, it will be accepted as current year received. Payments received by Jan 31st will be accepted with no penalty. Payments received between February 1st and March 1st are considered late and will be subject to a late penalty. Additional penalties will be applied at the first of each month.
Partial payments will be accepted as long as first payment is postmarked by January 31st.
When should I expect to receive my tax bill?
Between December 28th and January 3rd.
How can I make a tax payment?
Visiting the Tax Collector during open office hours or sending check by mail. You may visit to pay by credit card. There are additional fees for this type of payment/
Did you receive my tax payment?
Call tax collector’s office at (315) 696-4693 ext. 11 or visit
Can I have a receipt for my tax payment?
Yes, either stop in or call to request a receipt by mail or print one from
Can you change my address?
Contact Tax Assessor’s office (315) 696-4693 ext. 11. There is a form to complete.
How do I grieve my taxes?
Contact Tax Assessor’s office (315) 696-4693 ext. 11.
I want my assessment lowered, how can I do this?
Contact Tax Assessor’s office (315) 696-4693 ext. 11.
Jamie Wortley
Tax Collector
Municipal Building
5833 Meetinghouse Rd.
Tully, NY 13159
(315) 696-4693 ext. 11
(315) 696-6203
December 30th
Tues 5pm-7pm
Thurs 9am-11am
Sat 9:00am-10:00am
Jan 31st – Mon 4pm-6pm
Feb & Mar
Tues 5pm-7pm
Sat 9:00am-11:00am
Feb 20th — Tues 4pm-6pm
Mar 30th — Fri 4pm-6pm
April 1st — Fri 4pm-6pm